• Travel

    Delhi Diaries

    I believe in grabbing an opportunity when it arrives at my doorstep and exploring it with all my might. Himachal Pradesh,Sikkim,Darjeeling,Calcutta,Chennai,Pondicherry,Kerala,Bangalore,Goa and Gujurat had been chalked on my travel map already.Then came Delhi,totally unannounced and I couldn’t contain my thrill.It was a work trip but time management and the willingness to explore new destinations gave me a handful of the ‘Dilli experience’.I make it a point to travel to at least 2 destinations in a year be it within the state,country or an international trip. Travelling indeed expands your horizons.There is a difference in the way people behave,dress,eat,talk at every station for that matter.Ever wondered why the best south indian…

  • Uncategorized

    Hi,I love talking.

    I’m virtually tamedtreasure.I’d brand myself as the newly discovered species of social hierarchy- ‘Ambivert’.Don’t get me wrong.I love meeting new people,making new friends and most of all sharing opinions! I mean don’t you need company and support for your opinions? As an ambivert,I’m tamed and not always out there befriending the world.I have days when I retreat into my shell only to catch up on me time so that I can hold endless conversations with all those who love talking!that’s the beauty of being tamedtreasure. The reason I got talked into blogging was a)I love talking b)Venting out to the screen is my thing (Siri still talks back though) c)Strong…